- NetworkICE

Submitted by alvestrand.no at robertgraham.com from host ( on Wed Oct 11 04:05:39 MEST 2000 using a WWW entry form.

OID value:

OID description:
This is the private enterprise ID for Network ICE. The primary purpose of this is for TRAP definitions for BlackICE. There are multiple forms of the BlackICE product: a desktop firewall/IDS combination (BlackICE Defender), and a full gigabit speed network IDS (BlackICE Sentry).

Network ICE allows customers to configure traps to be sent to their site. When an intrusion against a home desktop occurs, the user can choose to send a trap about this fact back to Network ICE.

URL for further info: http://www.networkice.com

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Entered: Wed Oct 11 04:05:39 MEST 2000 (not changed manually)