- Cequs Inc. Private MIB

Submitted by peterb at cequs.com from host ( on Tue Jul 3 20:32:45 CEST 2001 using a WWW entry form.

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Corrected location at to OID. 7/2/2001 The Cequs Inc. "Virtual Directory Private Enterprise MIB" seeks to integrate Directory MIBs, QOS MIBS, and X.500/LDAP/CIM attributes in a simple, defined, common, middleware, service layer design with flexible interfaces. It should accomplish the following: 1. Assist in the ability to authenticate and authorize actors, such as computers and people within the Directory, and to other participating systems. 2. Provision a consistent set of defined network services across participating providers who are able to implement the Cequs MIB, regardless of user location or destination. border gateway of their current ISP. 3. Define at SEI CMM Level 3 and within the context of RM-ODP(ISO96) a set of global services and status of objects to support those services, which can be obtained from listed participants in the Cequs Inc. c=US Virtual Directory with OID 4. Support operations of updating Directory other sources of metadata. 5. Reinforce security of the defined objects and integrity of information regarding the state of the actors, and their elements. see RFC2788

URL for further info: http://www.cequs.com/mib.html

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Entered: Tue Jul 3 20:32:45 CEST 2001 (not changed manually)