- naming Context

Submitted by j.onions at nexor.co.uk from host ( on Tue Sep 22 15:24:49 MET DST 1998 using a WWW entry form.

OID value:

OID description:
The values of this attribute correspond to naming contexts which this server masters or shadows. If the server does not master any information (e.g. it is an LDAP gateway to a public X.500 directory) this attribute will be absent. If the server believes it contains the entire directory, the attribute will have a single value, and that value will be the empty string (indicating the null DN of the root). This attribute will allow a client to choose suitable base objects for searching when it has contacted a server.

( NAME 'namingContexts'
  SYNTAX USAGE dSAOperation )

URL for further info: http://src.doc.ic.ac.uk/computing/internet/rfc/rfc2252.txt

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Entered: Tue Sep 22 15:24:49 MET DST 1998 (not changed manually)