Please get it done

Mark Allman mallman at
Wed May 21 08:52:22 CEST 2003

> >Let's get it done, rather the repeating the arguments yet again.
> I like this approach.

me too

> Should we just trust the Nomcom to pick the right person, or
> should we offer some suggestions regarding the "independence"
> criteria and "neutrality" that some have suggested is important to
> maintaining the credibility of the process?
> Do we specifically want someone who has never served on the I*?
> Or at least not in the last 10 years, since everyone seems to
> agree that some of the problems have existed at least that long?
> And are there particular qualifications for this position, such
> as experience with process management and process improvement?

My hit is that we should leave it to nomcom.  I generally give
nomcom input on particular cnadidates, but also on particular
skills/traits I am interested in.  I'd say we can all funnel our own
feelings to nomcom and we should not have a lengthy debate on what
those should be.  (The most advice I'd want to give nomcom would be:
please solicit input on the skills/traits that are important, not
just on candidates.  But, I assume they know that already.)


Mark Allman -- BBN/NASA GRC --

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