Reshat Sabiq's requests for two Tatar orthographic variants

Doug Ewell dewell at
Wed Dec 13 06:28:48 CET 2006

CE Whitehead <cewcathar at hotmail dot com> wrote:

> Hi, the USSR does not use primarily a Latin Script but a variant of 
> the Greek alphabet so I'm confused as to how Latin is redundant? 
> Some of the Greek and Old English characters are included of the 
> Latin-1 character set (I guess Old English is more or less 
> accommodated by Latin 1).  The Russian alphabet is Cyrillic.

This is off-base.  Reşat's requests were for Latin-based orthographies 
that were used for Tatar and other "minority" languages in the Soviet 
Union in the 1930s.  They are not related to the Russian language, which 
is written in the Cyrillic script, which is ultimately derived from 
Greek but cannot reasonaby be called a "variant" of Greek.

To the extent this is relevant, Latin-1 doesn't support Greek at all, 
except that the micro sign looks just like a Greek lowercase mu, and the 
sharp-s sort of looks like a lowercase beta if you squint.

Doug Ewell  *  Fullerton, California, USA  *  RFC 4645  *  UTN #14

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