Request for variant subtag "scouse"

John Cowan cowan at
Tue Aug 29 21:31:33 CEST 2006

Michael Everson scripsit:

> Why is this exercise beneficial? It just introduces another variant 
> tag. If you use "en-scouse" all the time, you have no problem. It's 
> like the two tags for Yiddish.

Are you thinking that this will allow "scouse" by itself as a tag?
It will not; this proposal simply regularizes the special case
"en-scouse", allowing it to be dissected into 'en' and 'scouse'

The same for the 'boont' proposal.

LEAR: Dost thou call me fool, boy?      John Cowan
FOOL: All thy other titles    
             thou hast given away:      cowan at
      That thou wast born with.

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