Subtag registration: Russian transliteration of Chinese

Avram Lyon ajlyon at
Wed Oct 14 20:15:48 CEST 2015

So Extension T can arguably be applied for transformations that have a
target language -- but does it apply when there is solely a target script,
such as ISO 9 (, which certainly should
not be en-t-ru when used with Russian-- because the target is a script, not
a language. Indeed, the exact same ISO 9 romanization could be classed
de-t-ru or en-t-ru or fr-t-ru, even though nothing about the content

Other cases in the same vein arise with even ALA-LC romanization (alalc97),
which is frequently used even when there is no English or other
Latin-language context, such as a fully romanized set of entries in a card

Am I missing something about the way that Extension T interacts with the
existing variant subtags?

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