Subsubtagging sl-rozaj

han.steenwijk at han.steenwijk at
Mon Oct 13 16:08:53 CEST 2003

Rationale for distinguishing sub-dialects within *sl-rozaj*:

As Ethnologue says on the "PRIMORSKI, CIVIDALE, RESIA" dialects of Slovene, "[s]
ome dialects are very diverse".

In fact, the four best studied and numerically best represented sub-dialects of 
Resian differ on the phonological, morphological and lexicological levels of 
linguistic description. Speakers of the sub-dialects are very aware of these 
differences, at least as far as phonetics and lexicon is concerned. On the level 
of the spoken language, there does not exist a linguistic entity that is solely 
and exhaustively indentifiable as *sl-rozaj*. Most of the available written 
Resian texts reflect this situation.
That is the rationale for the first four requests (1. sl-rozaj-bisk, 2. 
sl-rozaj-njiv, 3. sl-rozaj-osoj, 4. sl-rozaj-solb). 

Apart from the four major sub-dialects mentioned above still other varieties 
exist that are less well studied but equally need to be kept distinct in 
linguistic description.
That leads (for the time being) to three further requests (5. sl-rozaj-lipa, 6. 
sl-rozaj-rava, 7. sl-rozaj-ucja).

The already registered tag *sl-rozaj* can be put to practical use in two cases:
1) written texts that because of poor or garbled transcription do not permit the 
identification of the sub-dialect they are based on;
2) the newly created written standard for Resian that is not identical to any of 
the spoken sub-dialects.
In order to be able to distinguish between these two cases, a further request 
(8. sl-rozaj-1994) is filed.

This set of tags will be used in two TEI applications, a text corpus and an 
orthographical dictionary.
The script used in Resian texts is *Latn*, but the set of characters and their 
value is easily subject to variation.
The orthography tag follows the practice for German (de-1902), because reference 
to a year of introduction seems more neutral than reference to a title or author 
of a publication.


Name of requester          : Han Steenwijk
E-mail address of requester: han.steenwijk at
Tag to be registered       : sl-rozaj-bisk

English name of language   : Bela (sub-)dialect, San Giorgio (sub-)dialect 

Native name of language (transcribed into ASCII):
Resian names: biski (adjective); biske rumuninje (nominal phrase).
Slovene names: belski, bilski, bijski (adjectives); b-ski govor, govor vasi Bela 
(nominal phrases).

References to published description of the language (book or article):

Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. Opyt fonetiki rez'janskich govorov. Varsava - 
Peterburg: Vende i. Ko. - Kozancikov, 1875.

Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. Materialien zur sudslavischen Dialektologie und 
Ethnographie Volume 1: Resianische Texte. St.Peterburg: Tipografija 
Imperatorskoj Akademii nauk, 1895.

Hamp, Eric. "Innovations in tuw Bile (S. Giorgio)". Prace Filologiczne 34, 1988. 
pp. 361-367.

Steenwijk, Han. The Slovene Dialect of Resia: San Giorgio (= Studies in Slavic 
and General Linguistics Volume 18), Amsterdam - Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1992.

[Di Floriano, Stefano]. 3 lesicice gotrice. Edited by Milko Maticetov. 
Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 1987.

Vermeer, Willem. "L'origine delle differenze locali nei sistemi vocalici del 
resiano". Fondamenti per una grammatica pratica resiana. Padova: CLEUP, 1993. 
pp. 119-148.

Any other relevant information:
The Bela or San Giorgio dialect is one of the major sub-dialects of Resian, a 
Slovene dialect spoken in North-Eastern Italy.


Name of requester          : Han Steenwijk
E-mail address of requester: han.steenwijk at
Tag to be registered       : sl-rozaj-njiv

English name of language   : Njiva (sub-)dialect, Gniva (sub-)dialect 

Native name of language (transcribed into ASCII):
Resian names: njivaski (adjective); njivaske rumuninje (nominal phrase).
Slovene names: njivaski (adjective); njivaski govor, govor vasi Njiva (nominal 

References to published description of the language (book or article):

Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. Opyt fonetiki rez'janskich govorov. Varsava - 
Peterburg: Vende i. Ko. - Kozancikov, 1875.

Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. Materialien zur sudslavischen Dialektologie und 
Ethnographie Volume 1: Resianische Texte. St.Peterburg: Tipografija 
Imperatorskoj Akademii nauk, 1895.

[Micelli, Ferruccio]. "Kako ni so nardili kontrat pas anu tuca". Zverinice iz 
Rezije. Edited by Milko Maticetov. Ljubljana - Trst: Mladinska knjiga - 
Zaloznistvo trzaskega tiska - Institut za slovensko narodopisje, 1973. pp. 

Rigler, Jakob. "Pregled osnovnih razvojnih etap v slovenskem vokalizmu". 
Slavisticna revija 14, 1963. pp. 25-78.

Vermeer, Willem. "L'origine delle differenze locali nei sistemi vocalici del 
resiano". Fondamenti per una grammatica pratica resiana. Padova: CLEUP, 1993. 
pp. 119-148.

Any other relevant information:
The Njiva or Gniva dialect is one of the major sub-dialects of Resian, a Slovene 
dialect spoken in North-Eastern Italy.


Name of requester          : Han Steenwijk
E-mail address of requester: han.steenwijk at
Tag to be registered       : sl-rozaj-osoj

English name of language   : Osojane (sub-)dialect, Oseacco (sub-)dialect 

Native name of language (transcribed into ASCII):
Resian names: osojske (adjective); osojske romoninje (nominal phrase).
Slovene names: osojski (adjective); osojski govor, govor vasi Osojane (nominal 

References to published description of the language (book or article):

Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. Opyt fonetiki rez'janskich govorov. Varsava - 
Peterburg: Vende i. Ko. - Kozancikov, 1875.

Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. Materialien zur sudslavischen Dialektologie und 
Ethnographie Volume 1: Resianische Texte. St.Peterburg: Tipografija 
Imperatorskoj Akademii nauk, 1895.

Steenwijk, Han. "Osojane/Oseacco (Val di Resia): tracing a sound change". 
Slovene Studies 12/1, 1990. p. 133.

[Di Lenardo, Elena]. Ta prawa pravica od lisica od Rezija. [Edited by C. Quaglia 
et al.]. Resia: Circolo Culturale Resiano "Rozajanski Dum", 1997.  

Vermeer, Willem. "L'origine delle differenze locali nei sistemi vocalici del 
resiano". Fondamenti per una grammatica pratica resiana. Padova: CLEUP, 1993. 
pp. 119-148.

Any other relevant information:
The Osojane or Oseacco dialect is one of the major sub-dialects of Resian, a 
Slovene dialect spoken in North-Eastern Italy.


Name of requester          : Han Steenwijk
E-mail address of requester: han.steenwijk at
Tag to be registered       : sl-rozaj-solb

English name of language   : Solbica (sub-)dialect, Stolvizza (sub-)dialect 

Native name of language (transcribed into ASCII):
Resian names: solbaski (adjective); solbaske romoninje (nominal phrase).
Slovene names: solbaski (adjective); solbaski govor, govor vasi Solbica (nominal 

References to published description of the language (book or article):

Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. Opyt fonetiki rez'janskich govorov. Varsava - 
Peterburg: Vende i. Ko. - Kozancikov, 1875.

Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. Materialien zur sudslavischen Dialektologie und 
Ethnographie Volume 1: Resianische Texte. St.Peterburg: Tipografija 
Imperatorskoj Akademii nauk, 1895.

Logar, Tine. "Solbica (Stolvizza; OLA 1)". Fonoloski opisi 
srpskohrvatskih/hrvatskosrpskih, slovenackih i makedonskih govora obuhvacenih 
Opsteslovenskim lingvisticnim atlasom. Sarajevo: 1981. pp. 35-40.

[Negro, Antonio]. "Ta ruacawa". Zverinice iz Rezije. Edited by Milko Maticetov. 
Ljubljana - Trst: Mladinska knjiga - Zaloznistvo trzaskega tiska - Institut za 
slovensko narodopisje, 1973. pp. 176-177.

Vermeer, Willem. "L'origine delle differenze locali nei sistemi vocalici del 
resiano". Fondamenti per una grammatica pratica resiana. Padova: CLEUP, 1993. 
pp. 119-148.

Any other relevant information:
The Solbica or Stolvizza dialect is one of the major sub-dialects of Resian, a 
Slovene dialect spoken in North-Eastern Italy.


Name of requester          : Han Steenwijk
E-mail address of requester: han.steenwijk at
Tag to be registered       : sl-rozaj-lipa

English name of language   : Lipavac (sub-)dialect, Lipovaz (sub-)dialect 

Native name of language (transcribed into ASCII):
Resian names: lipawski (adjective); lipawske rumuninje (nominal phrase).
Slovene names: lipavski (adjective); lipavski govor, govor zaselka Lipavac 
(nominal phrases).

References to published description of the language (book or article):

Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. Opyt fonetiki rez'janskich govorov. Varsava - 
Peterburg: Vende i. Ko. - Kozancikov, 1875.

Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. Materialien zur sudslavischen Dialektologie und 
Ethnographie Volume 1: Resianische Texte. St.Peterburg: Tipografija 
Imperatorskoj Akademii nauk, 1895.

Steenwijk, Han. "Eine neue Einteilung der resianischen Mundarten". Logarjev 
zbornik: referati s 1. mednarodnega dialektoloskega simpozija v Mariboru (= 
Zora, vol. 8). Maribor: Slavisticno drustvo Maribor, 1999. pp. 27-39. 

Vermeer, Willem. "L'origine delle differenze locali nei sistemi vocalici del 
resiano". Fondamenti per una grammatica pratica resiana. Padova: CLEUP, 1993. 
pp. 119-148.

Any other relevant information:
The Lipavac or Lipovaz dialect is one of the minor sub-dialects of Resian, a 
Slovene dialect spoken in North-Eastern Italy.


Name of requester          : Han Steenwijk
E-mail address of requester: han.steenwijk at
Tag to be registered       : sl-rozaj-rava

English name of language   : Ravanca (sub-)dialect, Prato (sub-)dialect 

Native name of language (transcribed into ASCII):
Resian names: ravaski, ravanski (adjectives); r-e rumuninje (nominal phrase).
Slovene names: ravaski, ravanski (adjectives); r-i govor, govor vasi Ravance 
(nominal phrases).

References to published description of the language (book or article):

Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. Opyt fonetiki rez'janskich govorov. Varsava - 
Peterburg: Vende i. Ko. - Kozancikov, 1875.

Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. Materialien zur sudslavischen Dialektologie und 
Ethnographie Volume 1: Resianische Texte. St.Peterburg: Tipografija 
Imperatorskoj Akademii nauk, 1895.

Steenwijk, Han. "Eine neue Einteilung der resianischen Mundarten". Logarjev 
zbornik: referati s 1. mednarodnega dialektoloskega simpozija v Mariboru (= 
Zora, vol. 8). Maribor: Slavisticno drustvo Maribor, 1999. pp. 27-39. 

Any other relevant information:
The Ravanca or Prato dialect is one of the sub-dialects of Resian, a Slovene 
dialect spoken in North-Eastern Italy. It is not so very well described as the 
four major sub-dialects and on the verge of dying out.


Name of requester          : Han Steenwijk
E-mail address of requester: han.steenwijk at
Tag to be registered       : sl-rozaj-ucja

English name of language   : Ucja (sub-)dialect, Uccea (sub-)dialect 

Native name of language (transcribed into ASCII):
Resian names: ucjarske (adjective); ucjarske romoninje (nominal phrase).
Slovene names: ucjarski (adjective); ucjarski govor, govor zaselka Ucja (nominal 

References to published description of the language (book or article):

Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. Opyt fonetiki rez'janskich govorov. Varsava - 
Peterburg: Vende i. Ko. - Kozancikov, 1875.

Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. Materialien zur sudslavischen Dialektologie und 
Ethnographie Volume 1: Resianische Texte. St.Peterburg: Tipografija 
Imperatorskoj Akademii nauk, 1895.

Dapit, Roberto. "Manifestazioni dell'aldila attraverso le testimonianze dei 
resiani". Studia mythologica Slavica 2, 1999. pp. 99-144.

Any other relevant information:
The Ucja or Uccea dialect is one of the minor sub-dialects of Resian, a Slovene 
dialect spoken in North-Eastern Italy.


Name of requester          : Han Steenwijk
E-mail address of requester: han.steenwijk at
Tag to be registered       : sl-rozaj-1994

English name of language   : standard Resian 

Native name of language (transcribed into ASCII):
Resian names: te rozajanski standard.
Slovene names: rezijanski pisni standard.

References to published description of the language (book or article):

Po nas: primo libro di lettura in resiano. Edited by Roberto Dapit et al.
S. Dorligo della Valle: Graphart, 1998.

Sekli, Matej. "Kotic za dan liwci jazek". All'Ombra del Canin 73/1, 2000. pp. 

Steenwijk, Han. Ortografia resiana/To jost rozajanske pisanje. Padova: CLEUP, 

Steenwijk, Han. Grammatica pratica resiana: il sostantivo. Padova: CLEUP, 1999.

Any other relevant information:
Standard Resian orthography was commisioned by the Resian municipal authority 
and published in 1994. It has been put to use on bilingual place-name signs and 
manifestoes, in books for children and adults and in teaching the dialect in 
primary school and at evening courses.

Prof. Han Steenwijk
Universita di Padova
Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Anglo-Germaniche e Slave
Sezione di Slavistica
Via Beldomandi, 1
I-35139 Padova

e-mail: han.steenwijk at
tel.: (39) 049 8278669
fax:  (39) 049 8278679

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