- Middleware Architecture Committee for Education (MACE) work

Submitted by hazelton at doit.wisc.edu from host ( on Mon May 8 02:36:37 CEST 2006 using a WWW entry form.

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OIDs in this arc are assigned and managed by the Middleware Architecture Committee for Education (MACE). In order to help create a national interoperable middleware infrastructure for research and education, Internet2 has brought together a group of leading campus IT architects to provide technical advice and direction. This group, called MACE (Middleware Architecture Committee for Education), draws its members from universities that are doing advanced work in this area. MACE aims to foster interoperability in areas such as security and directories. The MACE working agenda is set by campus CIOs and by partners in higher education and research. By developing good-practices documents, designing pilot projects and inter-campus experiments, and recommending technical standards, MACE hopes to bring about the deployment of a common middleware infrastructure to support the academic and administrative needs of the research and education community. MACE forms working groups as needed to explore specific issues. The working groups are open to broad membership from the higher education and research communities, but overall size may be restricted in order to facilitate group operations.

URL for further info: http://middleware.internet2.edu/MACE/

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Entered: Mon May 8 02:36:37 CEST 2006 (not changed manually)