- nisPlusSchema (83 more)

Submitted by rohan.pinto at sun.com from host ( on Thu May 2 20:00:46 CEST 2002 using a WWW entry form.

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OID description:
Superior for RFC 2307 attributes and classes. This is the directory structure that has been designed by Rohan Pinto for Sun Microsystems for inclusion with Solaris 9. It should be NONT regarded as Experimental/Commercial and an extension of the Directory Services, Network Information Services +, Manager as detailed orginally in NSF 93-52, leading to the building of next generation Internet Services. Further clarification on c=US dual DIT for X.500 directory may be necessary due to EMA activity and Piloting directly with the U.S. government to maintan the stability of the core OSI structure for DMS, and other priorities, beyond the experimental and research activities envisioned under next generation services. The OID's defined here are globally used in all NIS+ to LDAP micration projects. For further info on these definitios and to add any custom OID values to the Db contact : Rohan Pinto by emailing rohan.pinto at sun.com

URL for further info: http://www.ldapguru.com

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Entered: Thu May 2 20:00:46 CEST 2002 (not changed manually)