The MHSNEWS mailing list
The MHSNEWS mailing list is open to anyone who is interested
in the CCITT X.400 (MHS) message handling protocols, subject to some restrictions.
conference/mailing list can discuss such things as how to understand
and interpret the MHS recommendations, how to map between other mail
systems and mail network features and the MHS structure etc.
The list is gatewayed bidirectionally with the USENET newsgroup
comp.protocols.iso.x400; it is therefore impossible to know how many
people read the list.
Archives of the list (in a very badly maintained format)
are available at
At the moment, the list is being maintained using Majordomo.
- To subscribe:
- Send a message to with the BODY of the
message containing
subscribe mhsnews
- To unsubscribe:
- Send a message to with the BODY of the
message containing
unsubscribe mhsnews
- To contact the owner:
- Send mail to
It is my intention that mail to should work
the same way as majordomo, but it doesn't work quite right yet - it
gives you back a canned message describing how to subscribe.
Submission: Send to, or post to
Responsible person: Harald Tveit Alvestrand
To the X.400
FAQ page
Last modified: Sat May 18 11:13:23 1996