[RTW] Relationship of the proposed W3C RTC group with WHATWG

Rich Tibbett richt at opera.com
Wed Mar 16 12:46:38 CET 2011


There is currently a whole lot of ongoing work in the WHATWG around 
real-time web communications [whatwg-spec#rtc] [html-tracker].

What is the relationship between the proposed W3C activity 
[w3c-rtc-charter] and the work currently being done in the WHATWG?

While there is an obvious need for IETF activity on underlying 
protocols, codecs and formats I'm unsure as to how a W3C RTC group is 
going to effectively manage any overlaps here.

Any clarifications would be helpful.

- Rich


[html-tracker] http://html5.org/tools/web-apps-tracker

[w3c-rtc-charter] http://www.w3.org/2010/12/webrtc-charter.html

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