[RTW] [dispatch] Charter proposal: The activity hitherto known as "RTC-WEB at IETF"

Stefan Håkansson LK stefan.lk.hakansson at ericsson.com
Sat Jan 15 15:17:51 CET 2011

Markus Isomäki wrote:
>Tom Taylor wrote:
>>My personal advice is to leave the mandatory codec issue alone. You'll
>>waste a huge amount of energy without getting satisfactory results.
>>Notice that all your references were to specifications generated by
>>other bodies.
>I agree that at least for the time being it is more fruitful to focus 
>the energy elsewhere. There is plenty of useful work that can be done 
>about media transport (the datagram service and the potential bytestream 
>) and the associated APIs, and I suggest we focus on that. We can try our 
>luck with the codec thing later on.

I agree. Codec discussions seem to go on forever, and we could spend our
energy wiser.


PS Sorry for answering late, but I did not follow dispatch. I thought all 
related messages would go on rtc-web as well. So those of you who do not 
follow dispatch: perhaps you should look into the dispatch archive.

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