appeal mechanisms was Re: Ombuds-process

Keith Moore moore at
Mon Jun 30 20:40:53 CEST 2003

] 	Step 1: Produce a coherent and focused statement about
] 	what is being appealed, what the issues are, and why the
] 	action that was taken was wrong.  Leave out any random
] 	musings or accusations about, e.g., the eating habits or
] 	parentage of IESG members and assumptions about their
] 	evil motivations.  This is often not an easy writing
] 	job, but it is necessary.  For better or worse, if the
] 	IESG and IAB can't figure out what you are complaining
] 	about, or if the appeal seems to be an excuse for a
] 	personal attack, the appeal won't go anywhere unless the
] 	problem is really, obviously, an abuse of judgment or
] 	authority.
] 	Step 2: Be absolutely clear about what remedy is desired
] 	and expected, and be sure that it is within the
] 	authority of the AD or IESG to grant and execute.
] 	Leaving the IAB or IESG sitting around and saying to
] 	each other "well, she is probably right, but what on
] 	earth does she want us to do about it?" is not likely to
] 	produce a useful and positive outcome.

3. state your argument and your proposed remedy as simply and succinctly as
possible while still being complete.  The less irrelevant material IESG or IAB
has to wade through, the easier it will be for them to consider your case.

maybe this should be an I-D?


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