Info/exptl RFCs [Re: Killing old/slow groups - transition thinking

Geoff Huston
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 14:29:57 +1100

At 05:42 PM 12/10/2002 -0800, Randy Bush wrote:
> >> hypothesis: chairs who dilligently and rigorously manage their
> >> wg and its product on track with a well-thought-out charter hit
> >> much less delay in the iesg.
> > Hypothesis 2: This is the mode of WG operation that should be
> > reinforced with positive feedback.
>other than moving their documents through with as few hitches (==
>unusual delays) as possible, do you have other suggestions?  just
>to be contentious, should documents that are on target and high
>quality get brownie points that put them at the front of queues,
>ahead of those less 'good' ones?  even if it creates an even longer
>tail on the distribution?

I was refraining from venturing too far into solution space in a 
problem-oriented effort,
and I apologise that my hypothesis was perhaps a step too far towards solution
specification, so I'll defer from further comment so as not to rathole the 

