Internet draft for sbml+xml media type

Chris Lilley chris at
Thu Oct 9 21:04:57 CEST 2003

On Wednesday, October 8, 2003, 9:42:04 PM, Ben wrote:

BK> Hi, I've just submitted an Internet Draft for the sbml+xml media 
BK> type.  I and the other folks responsible for SBML (the Systems 
BK> Biology Markup Langage) have incorporated the comments and 
BK> suggestions from the folks on this list, especially getting a 
BK> definite, persistent, named organization in place to serve as 
BK> the change owner. 
BK> The draft is here: 
BK> Your comments are solicited. 
Do the existing SBML-consuming tools honor the charset parameter when
SBML is sent over HTTP or email?  And where the charset parameter
disagrees with the encoding in the XMl encoding declaration, do these
tools rewrite the XML when saving it to disk?

Note that, although charset is optional in this registration, RFC 3023
still imposes requirements on software in the *absence* of a charset.

If not, I suggest removing this optional parameter as follows:

     There is no charset parameter. Character handling has identical
     semantics to the case where the charset parameter of the
     "application/xml" media type is omitted, as described in [RFC3023].

 Chris                            mailto:chris at

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