Galician spelling conventions

Luc Pardon lucp at
Thu May 21 11:58:00 CEST 2015

On 21-05-15 00:29, John Cowan wrote:
> Luc Pardon scripsit:
>>   So I'd think twice before bluntly stating that it is "NOT RECOMMENDED"
>> to write Galician in ao1990. That was also more or less the position of
>> the Franco dictatorship at the time...
> It's a mistake to think that if something is RECOMMENDED because it appears
> on a list, that everything that isn't on that list is NOT RECOMMENDED.
> The terms are polar negations like "hot" and "cold", not contradictory
> negations like "hot" and "not hot".

  Maybe, but there is a difference between "not listed as RECOMMENDED
because nobody asked" and "not listed because of having been refused".
In the latter case, it _is_ (or becomes) a contradictory negation.

  Also, what I am concerned about is perception. If somebody feels
offended, it hurts. If he is mistaken in feeling offended, it still hurts.

  Anyway, what I was trying to say is only that Galician spelling is a
sensitive issue, so we should tread carefully.

  Luc Pardon

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