Proposed new variant subtag: pre1917

Philip Newton philip.newton at
Wed Sep 8 08:21:58 CEST 2010

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 07:38, Avram Lyon <ajlyon at> wrote:
>   5. Reference to published description
>      of the language (book or article):
> Декрет Наркомпроса РСФСР от 23.12.1917 года <<О введении нового
> правописания>>, published in <<Газета Временного Рабочего и
> Крестьянского Правительства>>, No. 40, 23.12.1917 [Decree of the People's
> Commission for Enlightenment of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist
> Republic on 23 December 1917 "On the introduction of the new
> orthography", published in the "Newspaper of the Temporary Workers'
> and Peasants' Government", No. 40, 23 December 1917]

Does that document describe the pre-1917 spelling? I would have
thought that it describes the post-1917 spelling instead, so it
wouldn't be so useful as a reference for the previous spelling.

So, better would be one documenting "the Petrine orthographic reforms
of 1708", which was presumably the spelling standard up to 1917.

And the name might, perhaps, also better be something like "petrine"
or "post1708" or something -- because if Peter changed the orthography
in 1708, then presumably in (say) 1699, people used something
different to the one you call "pre1917", even though 1699 is also
"before 1917".

Philip Newton <philip.newton at>

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