suppress-script values for fil, mi, pes, prs, qu members

Michael Everson everson at
Thu Oct 21 01:21:08 CEST 2010

On 20 Oct 2010, at 23:00, Peter Constable wrote:

>> This isn't just force of habit.  RFC 5646, Section 4.1 says clearly, "A subtag 
>> SHOULD only be used when it adds useful distinguishing information to the tag."
> Good point.
>> In many cases, perhaps even most, a tag that says "Huallaga  Huánuco 
>> Quechua, written in the Latin script" might not add useful distinguishing 
>> information beyond one that says simply "Huallaga Huánuco Quechua."  
> But implementers may not know if that's the case when there is no s-s field to guide them.

Then you are looking for an all-encompassing solution, and 50 is not enough, you should do your homework and do some thousands.

> Though if a search engine is reporting back metadata about that content, and it somehow determines it is Huallaga Huánuco Quechua, how will it know whether to declare the content as "qub" or "qub-Latn"?

There is no difference, since there is no qub-Ogam or qub-Arab or qub-Cyrl or qub-Grek to worry about. 

> In the absence of s-s information, the only options for an implementer are
> a) collect and incorporate into your app private s-s information 
> b) always add a script subtag when there is no s-s information
> c) always leave out a script subtag 

d) not create problems where there are none.

> Option a won't be appealing to too many developers just because of the need to collect hard-to-find info. Option b will mean that you end up violating the recommendation in 4.1 in an unknown number of cases. Option c will result in underspecifying the information in an unknown number of cases in which a language is written in more than one script.

Meh. This is crystal-ball-gazing. 

Michael Everson *

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