Anomaly in upcoming registry

CE Whitehead cewcathar at
Sun Jul 5 21:19:33 CEST 2009

Hi, I am not sure the code should have been 'retired'; that was done I assume since it was a macrolanguage and a three-letter code was preferred??, but I really do not know why it was 'retired'.  However, as far as I can tell, a mixture of three-letter and two-letter codes ([ar], [zh]) are used for macrolanguages too! 

All the same, I do not see why we should revive it now

(though as Doug pointed out people can still tag text with it, even though it is deprecated; that is what I was trying to say).


Happy 4th/5th of July to those who celebrate it.


(Sorry my reply took so long; for some reason my last email was undeliverable.)




C. E. Whitehead

cewcathar at

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