Proposed modified records for 'cpe' and 'son'

John Cowan cowan at
Sat Jan 3 22:06:04 CET 2009

CE Whitehead scripsit:

> (1), basic and extended filtering should normally be backwards
> compatible--that is a request for "cpe" should yield "cpe-Latn"
> as well;but what about a request for "cpe-PG" (will it return
> "cpe-Latn-PG"?)

Basic filtering will not; extended filtering will.  That is part of the
point of extended filtering.

> (2), lookup type filtering, on the other hand, when "cpe-PG" is
> requested, will return "cpe;" but will it return "cpe-Latn" or return
> "cpe-Latn-PG"?


John Cowan    cowan at
There are books that are at once excellent and boring.  Those that at
once leap to the mind are Thoreau's Walden, Emerson's Essays, George
Eliot's Adam Bede, and Landor's Dialogues.  --Somerset Maugham

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