Addition request: alsatian

Stephane Bortzmeyer bortzmeyer at
Thu Jan 3 23:21:47 CET 2008

On Thu, Jan 03, 2008 at 11:33:19AM -0800,
 Karen_Broome at <Karen_Broome at> wrote 
 a message of 273 lines which said:

> (assuming there are no other gsw dialects in France). 

Not that I know of.

> Is it simply up to the user to decide whether to use regional or
> variant tagging? Or should some guidelines be written to indicate a
> preference for variant tagging over regional tagging if both exist?

My first feeling is that we should not have too much ambiguity, or
people will tag sometimes with one and sometimes with another tag.

In that case, I have the strong impression that no tagger will think
of gsw-FR. Most alsatian speakers do not see their language as a
dialect of alemannic. 

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