policy wrt politics (was RE: be-tarask language subtag registration form)

Yury Tarasievich yury.tarasievich at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 16:48:50 CEST 2007

No, no. *I'm not* proposing *any* subtags here.

I just give a bit of *historical background*, as some people asked.

I don't know how the subtags here are defined, so really can't say how
many of Latin "should" be there. For all *practical* purposes, you
could give out *one* and be done with it. But I don't know the
procedure here.

There was no separate orthography for Latin script, only additional
(Polish-like) rule for "L+vowel". By the charset alone, there were
strictly 1) Polish set (mostly 19th cent), 2) Polish+specific letter
"U short" (since end 19th cent.), 3) previous with Czech letters
replacing Polish cz sz z circle (c. mid.1910s), 4) previous with V
replacing W (since end 1930s). I don't have statisticals on how much
of what was used in printing.

Folks, perhaps I'm just boring you and impending the decision process?

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