Registration forms for description changes

Kent Karlsson kentk at
Sun Jun 11 19:34:56 CEST 2006

> On 6/11/06, Kent Karlsson <kentk at> wrote:
>> Pardon me, but I think that is silly. It would be better in this case
>> to actually translate the name to English: "Book Norwegian". While
>> doing that translate also the name for "nn": "New Norwegian".
> But that's not the English name. As far as I can tell from the
> Internet, if you know the difference it's as Bokmal and Nynorsk, not
> New and Book.

"nynorsk" literally means "new Norwegian".

"mal" is a really bad fallback for "mål", and
that fallback does not read right in any language.

"bokmål" literally means "book language" (with
"Norwegian" usually being implicit). It is quite
ok to refer to "book language Norwegian" as just
"Norwegian" (and also equate "no" and "nb",
deprecating the former [Preferred-value: nb]).

   /kent k

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