sharp s (Eszett)

Cary Karp ck at
Wed Mar 12 09:25:39 CET 2008

> One obvious expedient would be to offer ss-nameholders sunrise access
> to the corresponding ß-names before the extended repertoire is
> released for general registration. Thereafter opportunity for
> bundling could be offered when either form is requested, or the
> registry could support bundling transparently, or the registration of
> the one form could block the autonomous delegation of the other to
> another nameholder.

Before somebody else jumps on me for not having said it clearly --

Any registry that does not regard ss and ß as orthographic equivalents
can deliberately treat them separately in all regards. The registry
would, however, likely still need to provide the holder of an ss-name
with privileged access to the ß-name, in case the nameholder does
regard them as equivalent.

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