final sigma and tonos

Stephane Bortzmeyer bortzmeyer at
Fri Feb 1 16:20:45 CET 2008

On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 07:00:34AM -0800,
 Erik van der Poel <erikv at> wrote 
 a message of 17 lines which said:

> If we were to expand pere-noel to all of its accented variants
> (using your table of accented letters), we would end up with a
> rather large set,

I tried that for the fun, and, yes, it explodes every machine
(pere-noel has only 250 variants but catalogue-3suisses has
43200). But, of course, the idea was never to generate them in
advance. The idea was to "canonicalize" names by replacing every
character by its "base character" and to see if the the canonicalized
form is already registered (if so, the idea was to let the
registration proceed only if it's the same registrant).

> I'm sure this has already been discussed within the .fr community,
> but would you bundle *all* of those variants,

Let me repeat a warning: this has not been implemented (or announced)
in ".fr" yet. So, nothing official, pure speculation.

> And have you discussed DNAME?

For me, DNAME (or other tricks) is just a technical detail. The
important thing, for a registry, is "Do you authorize two different
registrations for and père-noë ?" If the answer is
"No, only one registrant" wether you delegate twice to the same
nameservers or wether you use DNAME is a detail. I am not really
interested in stuff like which I
see as a (probably deliberate) distraction from important policy

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