Defs-05 posted

John C Klensin klensin at
Fri Dec 12 00:27:41 CET 2008


I've just dropped draft-ietf-idnabis-defs-05 into the posting

This version differs from the last one, posted a few days ago,
only in that it contains the proposed consolidated Security
Considerations section.

Note that pulling this material together forced me to eliminate
references to specific sections of documents that were being
discussed.  For example, security material taken out of Protocol
used to refer to the specific subsection that raised or
discussed the issue; those references are now more general
references to Protocol itself.   Since the section is now fairly
long, I inserted a subsection structure to help make it easier
to follow; that structure can easily be removed if people don't
like it.

The next versions of Rationale and Protocol to be posted will
reflect this consolidation; I do not expect to reissue those
simply to reflect the removed material.

Patrik, you should change the source for the Security
Considerations section of Tables so that it points to Defs and
Defs only -- there is nothing of substance left in Protocol or


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