Stupid U-label question [correction]

Frank Ellermann hmdmhdfmhdjmzdtjmzdtzktdkztdjz at
Wed Aug 20 16:59:31 CEST 2008

John C Klensin wrote:
> But I didn't remove the simple "--" without replacing it with
> something else.   So I don't understand what you think is the
> issue here, other than than we always need to be careful about
> out definitions.

It was a "stupid question", not an "issue".  Please ignore this,
unless you need a nice example for a remotely plausible bug in
future IDNA200x implementations.

> If pigs could fly, they might be both halal and kosher, at least
> if they had enough feathers on their wings to make them birds
> and not swine.

"All PVALID" + "short enough to fit" is very near to "kosher" :-)  


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