John C Klensin klensin at
Mon Apr 7 17:13:33 CEST 2008

--On Monday, 07 April, 2008 14:21 +0430 Alireza Saleh
<saleh at> wrote:

> Hi,
> According to the new IDNA RFCs the ZWNJ and ZWJ are
> categorized as CONTEXTJ which they should have a contextual
> rule.  I haven't  find any rule in the RFC. Where should I
> find it ? Is it going to be proposed later ?
> Is there any sample rule available that help us to suggest a
> suitable rule for usage of those characters in Arabic script.

Please see the note that Erik sent for information on this, but
let me add something.

Basically, we envision two possible contextual rules:

(1) A rule permitting use with some or all Indic scripts and
nothing else.

(2) A rule permitting those scripts plus some other scripts.
The "other scripts" could include Arabic, with or without
additional restrictions.  We are awaiting clear advice from the
Arabic script community on that subject.


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