hangul jamo and unicode 5.0 vs 3.1 NFC

Soobok Lee lsb at lsb.org
Tue Jan 2 05:52:57 CET 2007

If composed LVT belongs to 11172 characters of  modern hangul syllables,
 ( L : initial consonant jamo,
   and V : middle vowel jamo,
   and T : final consonant jamo),

Unicode 5.0 NFC does Jamo composition completely: 
   L + V + T => LV + T => LVT

Unicode 3.x (Stringprep200x refer to) NFKC does this in half-way:
   L + V + T => LV + T 

So, Unicode 5.0 MUST be used in IDNAbis.

This issue was raised by my old "hangulchar" draft  in 2001,
and now reflected in Unicode 5.0's NFC. 

I appeciate UTC members effort for that.

Best Regards,


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