1.3.2 - SIRENE (French national business register)

Submitted by franck.cotton at insee.fr from host ( on Sat Feb 9 14:13:43 CET 2002 using a WWW entry form.

OID value: 1.3.2

OID description:
INSEE (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques), the French national statistical institute, has registered ICD 0002 under ISO 6523 registration procedure. This code corresponds to SIRENE, the national register of enterprises and business units which is maintained by INSEE. The structure of the code is : - 9 digits ("SIREN") for an organization, - 14 (9+5) digits ("SIRET") for a specific establishment of the organization designated by the first 9 characters. - Check digits : 9th & 14th character respectively

URL for further info: www.insee.fr

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Entered: Sat Feb 9 14:13:43 CET 2002 (not changed manually)