1.2.840.10004 - ISO/IEEE 11073 Health informatics - Point-of-care medical device communication

Submitted by MelvinR at AMS-Consulting.co.uk from host ( on Wed Mar 2 23:35:43 CET 2005 using a WWW entry form.

OID value: 1.2.840.10004

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ISO/IEEE 11073 standards enable communication between medical devices and external computer systems. They provide automatic and detailed electronic data capture of patient vital signs information and device operational data. The primary goals are to: - Provide real-time plug-and-play interoperability for patient-connected medical devices And - Facilitate the efficient exchange of vital signs and medical device data, acquired at the point-of-care, in all health care environments.

URL for further info: www.ieee1073.org

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Entered: Wed Mar 2 23:35:43 CET 2005 (not changed manually)