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De facto standards: PGP

Recently, the use of the program called Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) by Paul Zimmermann has exploded in the academic community.

The key features of this program are:

PGP is not a standard sanctioned by anybody; it is solely and only the creation of Phil Zimmermann and the people who have worked with him; it is a standard defined by its implementation.

The software is available legally as freeware in the whole world, for personal, non-commercial use.
There is a web of patent issues around the RSA algorithm (patented in the US, aggressive policing) and the IDEA algorithm (patended worldwide, reasonably sane policing); US and Canada citizens can get a commercial version with all the licenses paid for from ViaCrypt; users outside the US and Canada cannot, because PGP cannot be legally exported from the US.

The algorithms used in PGP are IDEA (a Swiss algorithm with an 128-bit key) for symmetric encryption, with DES as an option, and RSA for the public key encryption.

Last modified: Fri Nov 3 10:40:36 1995