[RTW] Fwd: [dispatch] RTCWEB BOF was (Re: Summary: topics put forth for IETF-80)

Harald Alvestrand harald at alvestrand.no
Fri Feb 4 01:57:36 CET 2011

We have our approval for a BOF in Prague.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[dispatch] RTCWEB BOF was (Re: Summary: topics put forth for 
Date: 	Wed, 2 Feb 2011 10:24:48 +0200
From: 	Gonzalo Camarillo <Gonzalo.Camarillo at ericsson.com>
To: 	Mary Barnes <mary.ietf.barnes at gmail.com>
CC: 	DISPATCH <dispatch at ietf.org>, "rai-ads at tools.ietf.org" 
<rai-ads at tools.ietf.org>


>  1) RTCWEB:
>   http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/dispatch/current/msg03171.html
>  Excellent feedback and discussion thus far. An official Bof has been
>  approved for this topic:
>  http://trac.tools.ietf.org/bof/trac/#RAI

Yes, we will have an RTCWEB BOF in Prague. The goal is to try and form a
new WG. As you all know, the process of chartering a WG is a scoping
process aimed to define what is in and what is out of the scope of the
WG. Given that RTCWEB is a large area, there may be topics that come up
during the discussions that do not end up in the charter of the WG for
some reason. If that was the case, we would decide what to do with them
in DISPATCH afterward. Right now, our focus should be to work on a good
charter proposal.



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dispatch at ietf.org

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