Registration of media type application/xtm+xml

Lars Marius Garshol larsga at
Fri Nov 20 10:19:31 CET 2009

* Paul Libbrecht
> Why not be more precise such as "any tool that can process or produce topics and relationships among them about any possible entity; this has included, in the past, ... and your list...".

Hmmmm. Well. Unfortunately, this isn't entirely true, as it takes a bit more than that to support Topic Maps. But I could turn it around and make it something like this:

 Applications which use this media type: Any tool which can process
 or produce data according to the Topic Maps Data Model. This has
 included in the past generic Topic Maps tools, web portals, product
 configuration tools, e-learning systems, and a variety of web
 services and web service clients.

Would this work?

> I would agree you have no reason to be more precise than RDF but indeed, their statement is bloated.

It's pretty vague, yes.

> Maybe it would be possible from this paragraph to deduce that you have similar ambitions to RDF?

I hope it would, but it's kind of hard for me as an insider to judge.

--Lars M.

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