New variant subtags for Serbian language

Yury Tarasievich yury.tarasievich at
Sun Nov 17 18:04:57 CET 2013

Yes, yes, you may get lots of (spoken) dialects 
in a language area, dividing up the territory 
between themselves, all of them nicely studied 
and shelved by now, and then you may get a 
literary norm (or even lots of those) which is 
(usually) an amalgam of said dialects, having 
set of grammar superimposed.

I mean, should the dialects labelled on par with 
the literary norms, or should there be some 
special recognition codes, rules for subtag 
sequences or something else of the kind?

I'm asking because in the previous discussion I 
saw several references to "standard" language 
which shouldn't be (or can't be?) 
classified/branded by a dialectal features, like 
*kavian or anything, only by the norm-setting 


On 11/17/2013 07:37 PM, Milos Rancic wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 4:55 PM, Yury Tarasievich
> <yury.tarasievich at> wrote:
>> Would there be a distinction made between the literary norm and spoken
>> dialects? Need there be one? The recent small discussion on the Ekavian etc.
>> made me wonder if the difference is, well, appreciated enough.

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