Michael Everson everson at
Fri Oct 1 19:06:24 CEST 2010

I don't have much time to devote to this right now. I am in Bangkok today and tomorrow, and will be in Busan for WG2 all next week. I will not be back in Ireland till the morning of 11 October.

"fonxsamp" and "jyutping" are fine

"vowels" is, well, not so nice. Arabic texts are said to be vocalized when they use diacritics and Hebrew pointed. There is also the question of how this relates to Thaana and Tengwar.

"respell" is very much not so nice. It is so vague as to be meaningless. All it means is "non-standard spelling" as far as I can see. We've not encoded

I would rather see fonberlz and fonamher and fonwebst and fon-whatever defined by specific references to actual identifiable entities. That would be meaningful and for instance could be used to facilitate machine transformation from e.g. fonberlz to fonxsamp or fonipa.

Michael Everson *

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