Last call: Latvian (and Bontok) extlang subtags

Michael Everson everson at
Mon Feb 8 15:06:49 CET 2010

On 8 Feb 2010, at 14:00, Doug Ewell wrote:

> I think we need to focus on getting Michael to understand the  
> principles
> involved, independently of campaigning for our own point of view.

Michael understands the "principles" involved. The decision is not  
"linguistic", however. it is quantitative.

This is the fourth time I have mentioned this.

Assuming that I am to approve "frequently used" extlang subtags, I  
must have some means for making a quantitative assessment. I've no way  
of doing this. But you've tied my hands (you don't want me to reject  
both proposals and you don't want me to accept both proposals) and  
I've asked for criteria that I might use and you haven't given any.

So in the absence of any meaningful help for the Reviewer here, fine,  
I'll just believe the quantitative assessment given by you and John.  
There's nothing else I can do about it.

Michael Everson *

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