BCP47 Appeals process

Yury Tarasievich yury.tarasievich at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 13:29:32 CEST 2008

Tracey, Niall wrote:
> Yury Tarasievich
>> Anyway, if we are talking precedent, the French subtags are
>> happily using "generic" "year-acad" subtags, as far as I know.
>> I'll have yet to see good reason for Belarusian ones to not to.
> It makes sense in the case of French for these tags to come directly under fr- (or fr-FR-) because historically French orthography has been ruled by pretty much one school of thought, so mutual intelligibility at the fr level is pretty much guaranteed, except perhaps for a few radical changes.
> This is the reason that many of us feel it better to have a subtag "-academy" (or "akadem", "acade", whatever).
I understand this registry deals in the specific tags. I would take 
either "academic" *or* "1959acad", but as the discussion on the generic 
one was discouraged early on, it doesn't make sense to continue.

> ...
> If -tarask is a fringe thing, and we can assume that almost anything tagged simply "be" is in the academy's orthography then it would make sense to have the individual academy variants labelled -1959acad etc.
Like it was said previously, the wish of the requester is to have the 
subtag (any subtag), which would allow certain  job to be accomplished. 
That's as perceived from here.

As to the "fringeness of the be-tarask" I can't discuss this 
scientifically. My personal feel in this matter is that "yes, in real 
life the be-tarask is fringe phenomenon", and it was so even in their 
heyday (1992, 1993). The academic norm is (and was) used in the 
schooling and higher education, major newspapers and news agencies, 
official and state documentation, in solid scientific publishing. 
However, the be-tarask phenomenon has a strong presence in Internet 
(materials of Radio Liberty, Polish Radio, Nasha Niva newspaper, and the 
crowd accreting around the set of ideas expressed there). Actually 
proving anything would take some tedious research and who'll do that? So 
you are actually free to make of this whatever you wish, and the further 
discussion on such grounds will just put us off the topic. "The worm is 
out of the can", anyway.


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