Proposal to add "Kore' as Suppress-Script for 'ko'

Doug Ewell dewell at
Thu Jul 12 09:07:35 CEST 2007

CE Whitehead <cewcathar at hotmail dot com> wrote;

> My only question is are we going to cut off a specific group of users 
> of Korean??  Or a specific region?

"Cut off" in what way?  Nobody is prevented from writing "ko-Hang" or 
"ko-Hani" or anything else.

The goal is to reflect reality in usage, and that will probably come 
down to whether the list agrees with me that "alias for Hangul + Han" 
refers to a principle of the writing system, and not a promise that the 
text must contain at least one Hangul character and at least one Han 

> Please update me as far as the Korean usage goes--whether the 
> characters used are tied to specific groups of users.

Users in South Korea (and the United States) tend to use more Hanja than 
users in North Korea.

Doug Ewell  *  Fullerton, California, USA  *  RFC 4645  *  UTN #14

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