policy wrt politics (was RE: be-tarask language subtag registration form)

Yury Tarasievich yury.tarasievich at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 17:39:32 CEST 2007

On 02/04/07, C Eddie Whitehead <cewcathar at yahoo.com> wrote:
> (that might be the case if we also registered the standard orthorgraphy for
> Belarussian--right now only the Latin is registered it seems:
> one common name used to denote the standard orthography might be offensive
> to some users who think that the standard is the best way for the
> Belarussian community to go,
> while for others who are forced to read/write in the standard but do not
> favor it, that common name is not at all offensive)

I honestly tried to understand this and failed. Possibly it was meant
to be read vice versa: registering the subtag for the standard
Belarusian might be (and is) offensive for the mainstream standard
Belarusian users?.. That the non-mainstream, diverging groups want
their own tags, is understandable, and God bless them, but this?

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