LANGUAGE SUBTAG REGISTRATION FORM: Variant for a Latin-based alphabet for Id?l-Ural (Qazan) Tatar (iqtel)

Doug Ewell dewell at
Tue Sep 26 08:24:34 CEST 2006

Reshat Sabiq <tatar dot iqtelif dot i18n at gmail dot com> wrote:

>> Note that the only valid primary language subtag for Tatar is "tt", 
>> derived from the ISO 639-1 code element.  "tat", the ISO 639-2 code 
>> element, is not valid.
> I see. I guess this refers to:
> "Note: For languages that have both an ISO 639-1 2-character code and 
> an ISO 639-2 3-character code, only the ISO 639-1 2-character code is 
> defined in the IANA registry."

You are looking at a draft that is 19 months old.  The final, approved 
document is RFC 4646:

As it turns out, though, this particular text in RFC 4646 is essentially 
the same as in the draft.  The rule goes back to RFC 3066 in 2001.

> Please treat the submission as if it had only tt in 7. If needed, i'll 
> re-submit it later on.

It shouldn't be necessary for you to resubmit to fix this.  Four 
requests were recently approved with the understanding that similar 
minor errors would be fixed.

Doug Ewell  *  Fullerton, California, USA  *  RFC 4645  *  UTN #14

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