draft-phillips-langtags-04 /2.4.2 Maintaining private-use

Tex Texin tex at xencraft.com
Fri Jul 2 20:01:09 CEST 2004


In the current situation only the entire tag is private. This limits its
usefulness since if you use a completely proprietary tag no other software will
do anything useful with it.

The proposal though is to allow amending of supported tags with private
add-ons. This creates an expectation that the tag will be generally supported
and carry around the add-on with it. I suspect it will be used not only by
private agreement for interchange with others, but as note-to-self in some
applications. (e.g. Turn on this feature or that.)

So it may be more generally used and therefore be a more significant issue. And
yet I am unclear as to the demand or need for this.


Doug Ewell wrote:
> Tex Texin <tex at xencraft dot com> wrote:
> > Private use is a BAD thing where there are no agreements. Perhaps the
> > caution against them should be more strongly stated.
> I repeat what I said earlier this week:  Is it genuinely a problem, in
> the real world, that people are using private-use codes or tags where
> there is no agreement, leaving users clueless as to what they mean?
> Can anyone cite instances where this was an actual problem?
> Failing that, is the strength of the caution really a significant issue?
> -Doug Ewell
>  Fullerton, California
>  http://users.adelphia.net/~dewell/
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Tex Texin   cell: +1 781 789 1898   mailto:Tex at XenCraft.com
Xen Master                          http://www.i18nGuy.com
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