Mappings - some examples

Shawn Steele Shawn.Steele at
Tue Dec 1 19:13:26 CET 2009

> 1. IDNA2008 clearly says that ß is PVALID an shall not be mapped to ss anymore.
> 2. Browsers get an additional feature. It informs users when typing a hostname with ß that previously they would have been redirected to the ss sibling. And that they now need to use ss in order to get to the old destination.

Are we going to do that hard-coded special casing work every time a little change is made?

4. Registries inform the registrants and offer a grandfathering registration (like the .mx registry recently did) that allows all registrants of domain names with ss to register the ß sibling if they like.

That would be good, but registries aren't all TLD, nor are they all consistent.

> 5. Registration is opened to the public and people realize that "machines" now distinguish ß from ss like humans do.

Like *some* humans do, which is part of the problem.  My year in a Bitburg Grundschule was prior to the spelling reform and I see very little distinction, though my limited preference it toward the "correct" spelling.  Swiss probably have a similar attitude though likely with somewhat different biases.


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