- DomainInformation Certificate Extension

Submitted by wouter.zoons at globalsign.net from host ( on Thu Sep 13 10:48:20 CEST 2001 using a WWW entry form.

OID value:

OID description:
This OID is to be used primarily in X.509v3 certificates as a private extension. It has been defined by the WAP forum. This extension carries information that pertain to the usage of the certificate and the domain in which it has been issued, such as: - whether online-status requests (for example using the OCSP protocol) are required before using the certificate, - the name of the domain root CA, - an (optional) URL pointing to a resource containing a DER-encoded value carrying more (non-critical) extensions linked to the certificate.

URL for further info: http://cnscenter.future.co.kr/resource/hot-topic/wap/WAP-211-WAPCert-20000309-p.pdf

See also the OID Repository website reference for

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Entered: Thu Sep 13 10:48:20 CEST 2001 (not changed manually)