- SetMessage

Generated from module ID definition found in set-1.asn1

OID value:

OID description:

  { joint-iso-itu-t(2) internationalRA(23) set(42) module(6) 0 }

-- This module defines types for use in the SET protocol certificate and
-- payment flow messages.



   ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER, AlgorithmIdentifier {}, Name, SETString {}
      FROM SetAttribute

   SIGNED {}
      FROM SetCertificate

   EXTENSION, Extensions, ub-cityName, ub-postalCode, ub-stateProvince
      FROM SetCertificateExtensions

   CardCInitReq, CardCInitRes, CertInqReq, CertInqRes, CertReq, CertRes,
   Me-AqCInitReq, Me-AqCInitRes, RegFormReq, RegFormRes
      FROM SetCertMsgs

   AuthReq, AuthRes, AuthRevReq, AuthRevRes, BatchAdminReq,
   BatchAdminRes, CapReq, CapRes, CapRevReq, CapRevRes, CredReq,
   CredRes, CredRevReq, CredRevRes, InqReq, InqRes, PCertReq,
   PCertRes, PInitReq, PInitRes, PReq, PRes
      FROM SetPayMsgs

   CA, ContentEncryptionAlgorithms, Digest, DigestAlgorithms, Digests, EE, S {}
      FROM SetPKCS7Plus

      FROM SetMarketData;

MessageWrapper ::= SEQUENCE {
   messageHeader  MessageHeader,
   message        [0] EXPLICIT MESSAGE.&Type (Message),
   mwExtensions   [1] MsgExtensions {{MWExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL

-- An information object set is defined for each extensible PDU
-- Note: each of these information object sets uses the extension
-- marker (...) to allow vendors to add supported extensions to
-- their local copy of the ASN.1. Extensions added by vendors
-- should appear after the extension marker.

MWExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... }

MessageHeader ::= SEQUENCE {
   version     INTEGER { setVer1(1) } (setVer1),
   revision    INTEGER (0) DEFAULT 0,   -- This is version 1.0
   date        Date,
   messageIDs  [0] MessageIDs  OPTIONAL,
   rrpid       [1] RRPID  OPTIONAL,
   swIdent     SWIdent

MessageIDs ::= SEQUENCE {
   lid-C  [0] LocalID  OPTIONAL,
   lid-M  [1] LocalID  OPTIONAL,
   xID    [2] XID  OPTIONAL

MESSAGE ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER           -- ISO/IEC 8824-2:1995(E), Annex A

Message ::= CHOICE {

   purchaseInitRequest          [ 0] EXPLICIT PInitReq,
   purchaseInitResponse         [ 1] EXPLICIT PInitRes,

   purchaseRequest              [ 2] EXPLICIT PReq,
   purchaseResponse             [ 3] EXPLICIT PRes,

   inquiryRequest               [ 4] EXPLICIT InqReq,
   inquiryResponse              [ 5] EXPLICIT InqRes,

   authorizationRequest         [ 6] EXPLICIT AuthReq,
   authorizationResponse        [ 7] EXPLICIT AuthRes,

   authReversalRequest          [ 8] EXPLICIT AuthRevReq,
   authReversalResponse         [ 9] EXPLICIT AuthRevRes,

   captureRequest               [10] EXPLICIT CapReq,
   captureResponse              [11] EXPLICIT CapRes,

   captureReversalRequest       [12] EXPLICIT CapRevReq,
   captureReversalResponse      [13] EXPLICIT CapRevRes,

   creditRequest                [14] EXPLICIT CredReq,
   creditResponse               [15] EXPLICIT CredRes,

   creditReversalRequest        [16] EXPLICIT CredRevReq,
   creditReversalResponse       [17] EXPLICIT CredRevRes,

   pCertificateRequest          [18] EXPLICIT PCertReq,
   pCertificateResponse         [19] EXPLICIT PCertRes,

   batchAdministrationRequest   [20] EXPLICIT BatchAdminReq,
   batchAdministrationResponse  [21] EXPLICIT BatchAdminRes,

   cardholderCInitRequest       [22] EXPLICIT CardCInitReq,
   cardholderCInitResponse      [23] EXPLICIT CardCInitRes,

   meAqCInitRequest             [24] EXPLICIT Me-AqCInitReq,
   meAqCInitResponse            [25] EXPLICIT Me-AqCInitRes,

   registrationFormRequest      [26] EXPLICIT RegFormReq,
   registrationFormResponse     [27] EXPLICIT RegFormRes,

   certificateRequest           [28] EXPLICIT CertReq,
   certificateResponse          [29] EXPLICIT CertRes,

   certificateInquiryRequest    [30] EXPLICIT CertInqReq,
   certificateInquiryResponse   [31] EXPLICIT CertInqRes,

   error                       [999] EXPLICIT Error

-- Note: the parameter InfoObjectSet in the following definitions
-- allows a distinct information object set to be specified for
-- each PDU that can be extended thus permitting the organization
-- defining the extension to indicate where it intends for the
-- extension to appear.

MsgExtensions {EXTENSION:InfoObjectSet} ::=
   SEQUENCE OF MsgExtension {{InfoObjectSet}}

MsgExtension {EXTENSION:InfoObjectSet} ::= SEQUENCE {
   extnID     EXTENSION.&id({InfoObjectSet}),
   critical   EXTENSION.&critical({InfoObjectSet}{ at extnID})
                 DEFAULT FALSE,
   extnValue  [0] EXPLICIT EXTENSION.&ExtenType ({InfoObjectSet}{ at extnID})

Error ::= CHOICE {
   signedError    [0] EXPLICIT SignedError,
   unsignedError  [1] EXPLICIT ErrorTBS

SignedError ::= S {EE, ErrorTBS}

   errorCode   ErrorCode,
   errorNonce  Nonce,
   errorThumb  [1] EXPLICIT CertThumb  OPTIONAL,
   errorMsg    [2] EXPLICIT ErrorMsg

ErrorMsg ::= CHOICE {                              -- Either the
   messageHeader  [0] EXPLICIT MessageHeader,       -- MessageHeader or a
   badWrapper     [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20000)) -- copy of the message

ErrorCode ::= ENUMERATED {
   unspecifiedFailure      (1),
   messageNotSupported     (2),
   decodingFailure         (3),
   invalidCertificate      (4),
   expiredCertificate      (5),
   revokedCertificate      (6),
   missingCertificate      (7),
   signatureFailure        (8),
   badMessageHeader        (9),
   wrapperMsgMismatch     (10),
   versionTooOld          (11),
   versionTooNew          (12),
   unrecognizedExtension  (13),
   messageTooBig          (14),
   signatureRequired      (15),
   messageTooOld          (16),
   messageTooNew          (17),
   thumbsMismatch         (18),
   unknownRRPID           (19),
   unknownXID             (20),
   unknownLID             (21),
   challengeMismatch      (22)

-- Brand CRL Identifiers

BrandCRLIdentifier ::= SIGNED {
} ( CONSTRAINED BY { -- Verify Or Sign UnsignedBrandCRLIdentifier -- } )

EncodedBrandCRLID ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type (UnsignedBrandCRLIdentifier)

UnsignedBrandCRLIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
   version           INTEGER { bVer1(0) } (bVer1),
   sequenceNum       INTEGER (0..MAX),
   brandID           BrandID,
   notBefore         GeneralizedTime,
   notAfter          GeneralizedTime,
   crlIdentifierSeq  [0] CRLIdentifierSeq  OPTIONAL,
   bCRLExtensions    [1] Extensions  OPTIONAL

-- Notification to Brand CA that a CRL has been updated

CRLNotification ::= S{CA, CRLNotificationTBS}

CRLNotificationTBS ::= SEQUENCE {
   date           Date,        -- Date of notification
   crlThumbprint  Digest

CRLNotificationRes ::= S{CA, CRLNotificationResTBS}

CRLNotificationResTBS ::= SEQUENCE {
   date           Date,        -- Copied from CRLNotification
   crlThumbprint  Digest

-- Distribution of BrandCRLIdentifier to CAs and payment gateways

BCIDistribution ::= S{CA, BCIDistributionTBS}

BCIDistributionTBS ::= SEQUENCE {
   date  Date,
   bci   [0] BrandCRLIdentifier

BrandID ::= SETString { ub-BrandID }

CRLIdentifierSeq ::= SEQUENCE OF CRLIdentifier

CRLIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
   issuerName  Name,              -- CRL issuer Distinguished Name
   crlNumber   INTEGER (0..MAX)   -- cRLNumber extension sequence number

-- Common definitions

BackKeyData ::= SEQUENCE {
   backAlgID  ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER.&id({ContentEncryptionAlgorithms}),
   backKey    BackKey

BackKey ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..24))                         -- Secret

BIN ::= NumericString (SIZE(6))            -- Bank identification number

CardExpiry ::= NumericString (SIZE(6)) -- YYYYMM expiration date of card

CertThumb ::= SEQUENCE {
   digestAlgorithm  AlgorithmIdentifier {{DigestAlgorithms}},
   thumbprint       Digest

Challenge ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(20))   -- Signature freshness challenge

CountryCode ::= INTEGER (1..999)   -- ISO-3166 country code

Currency ::= INTEGER (1..999)        -- ISO-4217 currency code

Date ::= GeneralizedTime

DateTime ::= SEQUENCE {
   date     Date,

Distance ::= SEQUENCE {
   scale  DistanceScale,
   dist   INTEGER (0..MAX)

DistanceScale ::= ENUMERATED {
   miles       (0),
   kilometers  (1)

Language ::= VisibleString (SIZE(1..ub-RFC1766-language))

LocalID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20))

Location ::= SEQUENCE {
   countryCode    CountryCode,
   city           [0] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-cityName }  OPTIONAL,
   stateProvince  [1] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-stateProvince }  OPTIONAL,
   postalCode     [2] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-postalCode }  OPTIONAL,
   locationID     [3] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-locationID }  OPTIONAL

MerchantID ::= SETString { ub-MerchantID }

Nonce ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(20))

PAN ::= NumericString (SIZE(1..19))

   pan         PAN,
   cardExpiry  CardExpiry,
   panSecret   Secret,
   exNonce     Nonce

   pan         PAN,
   cardExpiry  CardExpiry,
   cardSecret  Secret,
   exNonce     Nonce

   pan         PAN,
   cardExpiry  CardExpiry,
   exNonce     Nonce

PaySysID ::= VisibleString (SIZE(1..ub-paySysID))

Phone ::= SETString { ub-phone }

RRPID ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(20)) -- Request response pair identification

Secret ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(20))

SWIdent ::= VisibleString (SIZE(1..ub-SWIdent))    -- Software identification

Thumbs ::= SEQUENCE {
   digestAlgorithm   AlgorithmIdentifier {{DigestAlgorithms}},
   certThumbs        [0] EXPLICIT Digests  OPTIONAL,
   crlThumbs         [1] EXPLICIT Digests  OPTIONAL,
   brandCRLIdThumbs  [2] EXPLICIT Digests  OPTIONAL

TransIDs ::= SEQUENCE {
   lid-C      LocalID,
   lid-M      [0] LocalID  OPTIONAL,
   xid        XID,
   pReqDate   Date,
   paySysID   [1] PaySysID  OPTIONAL,
   language   Language          -- Cardholder requested session language

URL ::= VisibleString (SIZE(1..ub-URL))      -- Universal Resource Locator


-- Upper bounds of SETString{} types

ub-BrandID           INTEGER ::=  40
ub-MerchantID        INTEGER ::=  30
ub-SWIdent           INTEGER ::= 256
ub-acqBusinessID     INTEGER ::=  32
ub-locationID        INTEGER ::=  10
ub-paySysID          INTEGER ::=  64
ub-RFC1766-language  INTEGER ::=  35
ub-URL               INTEGER ::= 512


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