1.2.840.113549.1.9.14 - PKCS#9 ExtensionRequest

Submitted by peterch1 at nortel.com from host ( on Wed Feb 20 16:53:05 CET 2008 using a WWW entry form.

OID value: 1.2.840.113549.1.9.14

OID description:
PKCS#9 ExtensionRequest attribute: Attribute values shall be stored as binary (BER- or DER-encoded) data. Sorry, I am not sure of further details, but this just popped up during development. In addition the provided URL, please check these for reference: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/cert-system/sdk/7.1/javadocs/framework/security_deprecated/netscape/security/pkcs/PKCS9Attribute.html#PKCS9Attribute(java.lang.String,%20java.lang.Object) http://javadoc.iaik.tugraz.at/iaik_jce/current/iaik/pkcs/pkcs9/ExtensionRequest.html#getAttributeType() Thanks, Peter PS: Thanks for providing this invaluable reference/service!

URL for further info: http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/doc/standard/pkcs/pkcs-9/pkcs-9.txt

See also the OID Repository website reference for 1.2.840.113549.1.9.14

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Entered: Wed Feb 20 16:53:05 CET 2008 (not changed manually)