1.2.702.0.1003 - ID.Safe Pte Ltd

Submitted by vui.huang.tea at smarttrust.com from host ( on Sat May 12 07:15:51 MEST 2001 using a WWW entry form.

OID value: 1.2.702.0.1003

OID description:
ID.Safe Certification Authority (CA) Services was launched in Feb 2000 with the objective of providing the growing Internet market with a new public CA. A joint venture between CISCO Computer Security and Singapore Post, ID.Safe aims to facilitate secure and convenient e-commerce transactions, not only within Singapore, but also with the rest of the world. As commercial activities are increasingly conducted over the Internet, the security of information transmitted electronically is of utmost importance. Digital certificates play a crucial role in electronic transactions as they provide the assurance that the senders and recipients of the information are valid and trustworthy. As a certification authority, ID.Safe issues digital certificates called e-ID containing applicants' identification information and keys. Its role includes safeguarding the privacy of users, authenticating identities of all parties involved, maintaining the integrity of their messages while ensuring that transacting parties will not be able to repudiate their actions. ID.Safe was awarded the 1st licensed CA status in Singapore by Controller of Certification Authorities (IDA) in April 2001. The licensing of ID.Safe by the Controller is an indication that we have met the stringent regulatory requirements established. As a licensed CA, e-ID issued by ID.Safe is legal binding and enjoys evidentiary presumption under the ETA. (Electronic Transaction Act).

URL for further info: www.id-safe.com.sg

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Entered: Sat May 12 07:15:51 MEST 2001 (not changed manually)