Half Moon Bay IESG/IAB Retreat - October 2002

This web consists of the notes and presentations from the retreat.

There's even a picture from the beach.


Running notes from the discussions

This is a flat HTML file that Harald typed in during the discussions - there are some lacunae, notably when Harald was doing other things.


All of these are in PDF (thanks to Rob for some of them!), some have Powerpoint versions too.

Internet Telephony (Allison Mankin) (PPT version)

IETF and ITU: What is our desired outcome? (James Kempf)

First day notes (PPT version)

How do we make sure we work on the right problems? (Randy Bush / Ted Hardie)

How do we make sure the result is right? (Sally Floyd)

Facing the future (Bill Fenner / Geoff Huston) (PPT version)

Summary points (PPT version)