Leslie's notes

>> . Review of Harald's "who's responsible" material

  1. Decide where the next IETF meeting to be scheduled is going to be,
and which sponsor to accept (these are often tied together)
  1. Decide whether or not to seriously negotiate for a meeting in China
  2. Decide on the future dates for IETF meetings

. to keep IETF chair informed about what opportunities
are available (who has volunteered); and the IETF Chair should
vector them to the IAD
. a public document of basic guidelines for the policy
(guidelines; not algorithm!) of where to pick (IAD may
cause creation, but it's a public doc). IESG, WG chairs, and
so on, get to have input re. their needs
. within those guidelines, IAD gets to pick, with IAOC overview.
. clearly, the IAD will have to interface with the secretariat,
and we need to get some paragraphs together about who should
expect to have what responsibilities. E.g., where & how much
it costs; analysing competitive bids from hotels
. also, need to update hosting document

  1. Decide to start a tool project to implement a support tool
  2. Decide how to gather requirements for the tool to be implemented
  3. Decide to accept, reject or prioritize a suggestion for change
  4. Decide when a change to a support tool constitutes a change in
procedures, and needs revision of a BCP (or vice versa)

On 4th point; IAD can appoint review committee for tool release.
On the general case for tool development:
. should be clear at the outset whether we have change control
over the tool development (if it impacts resourcing for our
. IAD is generally responsible for tools development
. may have to have a more regular standing tools committee

Process flow:
community request a tool -> IAD makes first review and, if applicable,
specs out (as collection of activities) and makes a proposal -> IAOC
reviews -> appoint a committee -> develop RFP if applicable -> contract if

  1. Decide procedures for how to handle incoming subpoenas
  2. Decide who's conflicted and should not be involved in handling
subpoenas for a specific case

IAD develops procedures, which should address:
. getting the subpoena to the clerk to archive
. how to identify relevant parties to support
response (where IETF input needed)
. how to detect conflict of interest
. how to determine when c-of-i is sufficient to exclude

  1. Decide on the meeting fees for the next "n" meetings

IAD as part of the budget.

  1. Decide what money to use to support audiocasting of meetings

IAD as part of the budget.

  1. Decide whether an IETF team's telechats are paid for by IETF funds

IAD as part of the budget.

  1. Decide how to camouflage email addresses on IETF web pages
  2. Decide what spam control measures to allow, require or forbid

We don't know. There are religious beliefs here. It doesn't
seem realistic to expect the clerk or tech infrastructure to
grok enough of the IETF culture to get it right.

  1. Decide whether IAB RFCs have priority before, same as or after IETF
standards-track documents

IETF & IAB chairs with IETF community consent (straw)

  1. Decide whether or not there can be exhibitions next to IETF meetings

Not clear. Community needs to have discussion. Someone (IETF
Chair?) needs to declare conclusion. Some part of the document
about meeting process.

Document development: IAD can work out documents - IAOC can publish
informationals, and ask to publish BCPs (same as IAB). (strawman)
(That was Harald's suggestion; Leslie is not so convinced the IAOC
should be a document-publishing body...).

  1. Decide whether or not to switch to a SIP-based telecon provider

IAD as part of the budget.

  1. Decide whether or not to get IPv6 access to IETF webservers
  2. Decide how to implement IPv6 access to IETF webservers

Could go into RFP as "should" rather than "must", unless
there is direction from the community to provide IPv6 access
right away. Steve suggests: hand book of expected support
for IETF.

  1. Decide on cutoff dates for scheduling related to an IETF meeting

Negotiated between clerk & IAD.

  1. IAD related items
cross contract cooperation
in-kind donation management
(e.g., hardware for running conferences)
meeting host relations
IAD coordinating with Secretariat, bubbling up to the IETF chair as
volunteer infrastructure coordination (mailing lists/mirrors/etc.)
Tech infrastructure with IAD as oversight

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